I feel like we are in the real version of the ride "It's a Small World." In just one week, we have been in 4 countries! This time last Saturday we were in Germany then back to Netherlands, then scooted off to Belgium and now we are in France! The kids were troopers on the 3 hour car ride and our Magellan got us here with no pit stops or deviations along the way!
We are staying at a beautiful hotel right on the Disney Golf Course right outside of the city center of Paris. What did we do after we set down our bags and ate lunch....DISNEY OF COURSE! I have to admit that I am very jealous of my 5 year old! He's been to 3 Disney Resorts in just 5 years! His first Disney trip was actually when I was 5 months pregnant with him, followed again when he was 7 months old, again when he was 2 and now! Wow! Next he'll be asking for the cruise or Tokyo!
The park was awesome! It was a hot day but timing was in our favor for most rides. We got on Star Tours in under 10 minutes! The kids were both too small to ride Indiana and we know that Bill loves those movies so it was a Daddy must do ride. The attendant hooked us up big time. When we inquired about the "baby exchange" (their version of the Parent Swap), she let Bill go into the Fast Pass line (without the Fast Pass ticket). He got on in less than 5 minutes and then he brought me out the "baby exchange voucher. I immediately went through the exit and got right on the ride! I mean, no sooner did I step foot on the platform, and I was ushered on to the ride! It was awesome too! Nothing like the one in Florida. It was a roller coaster and it even had a loop! HOT DOG! Of course we went on several of the big rides today! Big Thunder Railroad, Star Tours, Pirates of the Caribbean, Teacups, Peter Pan, and Phantom Manor (aka - Haunted Mansion) were among them! Roman is following in his sister's footsteps and loving the big rides! He wasn't even off of Big Thunder and he was asking to do it again! One awesome difference is that you can actually go up inside of the castle! I took a few pictures on the balcony tonight but the sun glare was a little too bright.
After the early morning we had and all of the Disney excitement, we actually left before the fireworks were set off. Because it's daylight so much longer, the fireworks don't go off until 11 at the earliest. We'll see them one night this week! The kids fell asleep within minutes tonight! Tomorrow morning, we'll be going to Disney again.
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