Saturday, June 22, 2013

Crunch Time

So here we go. Let's try this blog thing! We are hoping to use the blog to keep our friends and family informed about our summer adventures in Europe.

The tickets are booked and we are in the final countdown now! I cannot believe this trip is actually happening! It seems like such a long time in the making and suddenly, it's upon us and very REAL!

I feel like the majority of the past week has been spent in the car running errands and visiting with family and friends. With it also being the first week of summer vacation, the kids have been anxious to get out of the house, going to the pool, zoo, and museums! Needless to say, momma is a little stressed and the kids are just a smidge cranky by the time the evenings roll around.

Of course, both children are going through growth spurts and the climate in The Netherlands is much different than our hot and humid Philadelphia summers. This means new clothes need to be bought! Tonight, we made some headway though. After several trips to Target, Learning Express, and Barnes and Noble, the kids carry-on bags are packed and ready to go! I somehow also managed to get both children to try on a plethora of long pants to ensure that they fit. Tomorrow, the goal is to find shirts to match all of the pants and to make sure we have a "healthy" supply of shorts, in case we get a warm weather streak or end up venturing south. I am envisioning myself going through a vacation nesting stage over the next few days.

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